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Alissa Silverman, Psy.D & Louis Rivera, Ph.D.

Written by:

December 2, 2020

Closing the Gap

I know it comes as no surprise that racism and discriminatory acts toward Black and other racially ethnic groups have a longstanding history in our country. At Silver Linings Psych, we strive to be an important part of the dialogue, ask the difficult questions, approach our work with curiosity, and align ourselves with doing our own research without expecting Black and other racial groups to do it for us. We have made it a priority to instill the values of being caring and open to learning, building empathy, and being of good service to everyone no matter their racial/ethnic background. We accept and embrace individual differences, work to build up all people, and want to ensure resources and support are available to everyone, especially to Black and other ethnic and racially diverse groups. 

In this post, you will see a list of resources on Anti-Racism and Justice. It is not an exhaustive list—merely a starting point for learning and discussion with the intention of leading to change. You will see a selection of books, TedTalks, useful links, documentaries, podcasts, and apps, in hopes to capture the attention and learning style of every individual that wishes to know and learn more. Once you see something in a new light, from a difference perspective, from that point on, everything looks different. You can then no longer unsee the thing that has been in front of you all along – Racism and Injustice.

Gaining knowledge is important, but what truly makes the difference is the execution of a plan with the knowledge gained. With the new year approaching, learning more about how you can make a difference is the start to being part of the solution. Our goal in creating the resource list below is to catapult your education, build empathy, and assist you in working through the guilt that may arise with facing some of the painful aspects of our history.  If you ever say to yourself, “Where do I begin?”, “I don’t want to say the wrong thing,” or “I feel like I should know that, so I just wont query it,” starting with these resources is the first step toward a level of understanding that is meaningful and leads to increased compassion for those who have experienced racially based hatred and discrimination. It is imperative we all start to face our fears about not knowing what to say or do.  We need to begin to get comfortable in the discomfort of not knowing, asking for clarification, asking more, sharing what we have learned with others, and correcting misconceptions. Whatever you are facing, have compassion on yourself and know you are welcomed. Stepping out of our comfort zone and fumbling over our words and questions is what needs to happen to close the gap and change the way people think about these issues moving forward. The Silver Lining of 2020 is that everyone’s status quo was completely disrupted. Now we know our world is capable. It’s go time. Execution is power and each individual must do their part because every single person MATTERS. In life we are either a part of the problem or the solution… Which do you choose?

Anti-Racism & Justice Resources


  1. Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice that Shapes What We See, Think, and Do by Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt
  2. How to Be an Antiracist by Dr. Ibram Kenadi
  3. Just Mercy – Bryan Stevenson
  4. Me and White Supremacy  – Layla Seed
  5. Mindful of Race: Transforming Race from the inside out – Ruth King
  6. So You Want to Talk About Race – Ijeoma Oluo
  7. The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism,  and Engage in Collective Healing by Dr. Anneliese Singh 
  8. Uprooting Racism – Paul Kivel
  9. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Dr. Robin DiAngelo


  1. A Business Against Racism – Villy Wang

2. How to Resolve Racially Stressful Situations – Howard C. Stevensen

3. Racism Has a Cost for Everyone – Heather McGhee

4. The Danger of Single Story – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Useful Links

  1. Justice in June

2. Therapy for Black Girls

3. White Friends + Anti-Racism


  1. 13-th 

2. When They See Us 

3. LA 92 

4. The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

5. I Am Not Your Negro


1. About Race – Reni Eddo Lodge

2. Code Switch – National Public Radio (NPR)

3. Human Race – Rachel Swaby

4. Let’s Talk About Race – Kamran Rosen

5. The Nod – Brittany Luse and Eric Eddings

6. Throwing Shade – Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi


  1. Liberate Meditation App      

2. The Safe Place

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