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If you’ve been referred to Silver Linings Psych for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy or you’re curious to find out more about this innovative approach to working through distressing experiences, we’re glad you’ve found us. As therapists, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals by using the latest, scientifically validated approaches to therapy, and EMDR is one of the most transformative new tools we utilize in the field of psychology. Our brains are made to heal themselves, and EMDR makes it possible for people to take control of that healing power to start processing distressing life events and the effects they can have on one’s daily life. EMDR can be used for a variety of issues including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, grief and loss, feelings of worthlessness or low self-esteem and much more. If you’re ready to find out more, you can read about the basics on this page, or reach out to our therapists for a more informative consultation.


Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is a short-term service used to reduce the symptoms of unprocessed trauma and difficult life experiences. While traditional talk therapy relies on the ability to speak about difficult situations and dive deep into the associated feelings and symptoms, EMDR allows you to jump start your mind’s innate healing ability to more quickly and naturally work through difficult situations. 

What is EMDR?

EMDR was created for individuals who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but today, we use EMDR sessions in a range of situations to address symptoms of PTSD as well as high levels of stress, anxiety, grief, self-doubt, depression, and other forms of emotional difficulty. 

Can EMDR Benefit Me? 

I KNOW I need to move forward, but I feel trapped in my past. 

Specifically, EMDR therapy may benefit you if any of the following descriptions sound familiar:

I KNOW I have past events I still haven’t processed, and I need to, but the emotions I feel when I try to work through these issues overwhelm me. 

I KNOW my relationships are struggling because of a variety of negative behaviors I engage in, but I feel powerless to change.

I KNOW I have done enough, and everything is fine, but I still feel stressed and worried about things outside of my control. 





I KNOW I am a worthwhile person with a lot to give, but my negative self-talk holds me back from achieving my goals. 


I KNOW I am safe and that the traumatic event is behind me, but I still feel scared all the time. Is this just the reality of my life? 


I KNOW there’s nothing to worry about, but I still feel anxious all the time. 


I KNOW the current situation I’m experiencing isn’t that bad, but I feel like it is, and I can’t seem to get my emotional response back to normal.


I KNOW certain places I go and people I see make me have intense feelings, but the list of these things seem to be growing as I get older. I have to do something so I can be in control of my life versus these other things controlling me.  


EMDR is a specialized therapy approach that uses eye movements and/or other body sensations to activate both sides of the brain simultaneously. This is the same way our brain functions during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep when the mind processes life events. When trauma or other difficulties aren’t processed during REM, they can begin to impact the brain’s function during the day. EMDR gives us the ability to go back to these unprocessed events intentionally to achieve relief from distress and heal from painful experiences.

How Does EMDR Work?

Many people think that EMDR is the same thing as hypnosis or hypnotherapy. The hypnosis process relies on our ability to overcome the brain’s natural functioning, but EMDR actually uses the brain’s innate healing capabilities to work through distressing memories and difficult events, helping negative memories become more adaptive. During EMDR treatment you will remain alert and in-control the whole time. Each person will move through the EMDR therapy a little differently. The typical length of EMDR therapy is approximately 7 to 10 sessions, but relief can be found in as little as one session of reprocessing. Sessions usually last 50 to 90 minutes.

Many clients hear about EMDR and can’t possibly believe that it works. More than 20 controlled, randomized studies have substantiated EMDR’s efficacy. EMDR is recognized as an effective treatment by organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the World Health Organization, the Department of Veteran Affairs, and the Department of Defense. The process sounds a little strange, and you may feel a bit uncomfortable when we first begin. Once you get started, you’ll be surprised how quickly EMDR helps you feel better. EMDR is often a life changing treatment for clients. After just a few EMDR sessions, many people experience progress equivalent to years of traditional talk therapy.  

Does EMDR Actually Work? 

After completing EMDR therapy, many clients report:

Experiencing fewer symptoms including but not limited to a decrease in intense reactions to triggers, decrease in nightmares, panic attacks, jumpiness, and irritability

Increased confidence and feeling self-assured 

A decrease in negative self-talk and unpleasant emotions 




Increased feeling of the ability to successfully move forward with their lives without the weight of their past.


Our therapists have been trained and are able to provide a range of services. That means they can offer specific therapy solutions that make sense for what you are looking for most in your life. To fidelity EMDR is practiced in 90-minute sessions. Many clients, however, opt to do traditional 50-minute EMDR sessions. An alternative option that client's can request are EMDR Intensives where the client and therapist spend either a half or full day reprocessing with EMDR. Your therapist can discuss this more with you on a consultation call where a plan will be put in place that makes the most sense for you goals. You can get to know the clinicians in the practice, who offers Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, by clicking the link to their pages below.

Who Offers EMDR?

Get Started Today 

YOU are the One in Control of Drawing the Silver Lining Around Your Clouds.

Beginning EMDR therapy can be a big step, so if you’ve found our website and are considering starting this process, we want to celebrate you. We know you’re working through something difficult, and we would love to help you take the next step in this process. When you’re ready, our therapists will gladly answer any questions you may have about the process of EMDR and what this would look like should you decide this is for you.

Get to Know Cecelia

Get to Know Rhonda

Visiting any of the pages on the Silver Linings Psych website or by contacting any of the therapists at SLP, by e-mail, phone or social media, does not constitute or establish a therapeutic or professional relationship.